Thursday 30 May 2013

Got a sweet msg from Zoe(her parents-glen and Kate) last night.
"Hello Dr. Samit & Kiran Staff,
I hope you are well. I just turned 11 months and I am very happy little girl!
Lots of love",

it seems just the other day when i held Zoe in the palm of my hand in the form of a 4 celled embryo.
now she is a big girl riding her scooter.
To all the opponents of Assisted reproduction and Surrogacy including various Governments,Churches,Religious Hypocrites out there who have not kept up with the advances in medicine and science, all i need to say is that there are millions of infertile couples out there across the world,a baby completes their family,brings happiness to their lonely lives.we the Ivf clinics and surrogacy Doctors are just trying to bridge this gap in their lives.