Saturday 29 August 2020

Blastocyst Embryo transfer.

Surrogacy in India.

Why is a Blastocyst Transfer is Preferred in IVF Cycles.

There can be abnormalities in cleavage stage embryos  which mean that such embryos may not  lead to a pregnancy. Increased age of mothers also enhances the chances of chromosomal issues. This means that a lot of abnormal embryos experience a halt in their growth during development.

A blastocyst carries much greater chances of leading to a successful pregnancy once it has been transferred to the patient as it is the end stage of the embryo just before hatching and implanting in the uterus.Statistics reveal that implantation rates for human blastocysts in about 5 th or 6 th day are twice that of standard cleavage stage embryos. Moreover, blastocysts are that phase of embryonic development which is supposed to be inside the uterus during implantation.

These blastocysts have a better chance of survival inside the uterus. This is why blastocyst transfer is always preferred in IVF Cycles.To learn more about blastocyst transfer, you can always consult with the doctors at Kiran infertility centre and its branches in Hyderabad, bangalore, Chennai,Dubai and ukraine.

Master’s in Andrology and Men’s Health(Australia) 

Kiran  Group.

Fertility/Obstetrics/Gynaecology/Genetics/Skin& Aesthetics/Dentistry.


Mobile +91-994-817-5768   


The preferred destination for Fertility Treatments.  

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Friday 28 August 2020

Anti Mullerian hormone and its significance

Surrogacy in India.


How to increase my AMH level if I have low AMH?

Anti-Müllerian Hormone or AMH levels can be detected using a Hormonal blood test. Low levels of AMH cases are common and it indicate a low ovarian reserve or a low number of eggs, although it does not indicate infertility in a woman.

Women who are in their 40s usually have lower AMH results. Even though there are no specific symptoms of AMH, there can be an absence of regular periods in some cases. Women with lower AMH may have a poor quality of eggs which means the possibility of miscarriage and abnormal fertilization tends to be higher.

In order to boost AMH levels in your body, you can include vitamin D in your food and have DHEA Dehydroepiandrosterone hormone medications.If you are diagnosed to have low Anti-Müllerian Hormone levels in your body, you should seek consultation with the medical team at KIC Bangalore as it is the finest infertility clinic based in Karnataka. Visit to learn more about KIC Bangalore.

#infertility #amh #amhlevel #femaleinfertility #ttc #infertilitytreatment #infertilityawareness #kicbengaluru

Dr. Samit Sekhar.

Owner and Director. 


Master’s in Andrology and Men’s Health(Australia) 

Kiran  Group.

Fertility/Obstetrics/Gynaecology/Genetics/Skin& Aesthetics/Dentistry.


Mobile +91-994-817-5768   


The preferred destination for Fertility Treatments.  

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Types of Embryo Transfers- Day2/3/5/Blastocyst

Surrogacy in India.


There are three types of embryo transfers that are used in fertility treatment


1. Fresh Embryo Transfer: Fertilized Eggs cultured for 1-2 days and best embryo chosen


2. Frozen Embryo Transfer: Any healthy embryos not used during first transfer can be frozen and used later


3. Blastocyst Embryo Transfer: 5-day embryos are transferred, referred to as a blastocyst


Embryo transfer is helpful for females who are having the following complications:

1. Damaged fallopian tube

2. Endometriosis

3. Ovulation Disorders

4. Premature ovarian failure


For Best Infertility Treatments in Hyderabad Visit:  

Contact us: +91-9908392452

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Saturday 22 August 2020

poor ovarian reserve/ Premature ovarian failure

Risk factors of poor ovarian reserve

Poor Ovarian Reserve or POR is one of the critical conditions that can hamper the success of any infertility treatment efforts.

It can lead to poor quality and quantity of women’s oocytes even when they are in their reproductive age. Both young and older women can suffer from Poor Ovarian Reserve and its related issues.

Most women looking to achieve pregnancy but have Poor Ovarian Reserve have to opt for IVF treatment. However, the chances of a loss of pregnancy are very high for women with Poor Ovarian Reserve even when numerous interventions are tried out.

Some risk factors related to Poor Ovarian Reserve are high intake of coffee, higher stress levels, endometriosis and a tubal and ovarian surgery in patient case history.


Poor ovarian reserve can be circumvented to a certain extent by the use of some new Alternative procedures like PRP

If you are seeking treatment for Poor Ovarian Reserve, you should consult the doctors at KIC Bangalore
for the best results. Visit their official website at

#infertility #femaleinfertility #ttc #infertilitytreatment #infertilityawareness #poor #ovarianreserve #kicbengaluru

Dr. Samit Sekhar.

Owner and Director. 


Master’s in Andrology and Men’s Health(Australia) 

Kiran  Group.

Fertility/Obstetrics/Gynaecology/Genetics/Skin& Aesthetics/Dentistry.


Mobile +91-994-817-5768   


The preferred destination for Fertility Treatments.  

Featured In


Friday 21 August 2020

all you wanted to know about ICSI- Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection

ICSI Treatment in Hyderabad


Until the 90’s, males with very low sperm count (less than 5 million per ml) or with poor quality sperms had no hope of fathering their own genetic children. This problem was circumvented by a new breakthrough, I.C.S.I. (Intra-cytoplasm Sperm Injection) an ART Treatment which took place in Brussels and Belgium in 1992.


Since then, many such patients with poor sperm count or with low quality sperm have been able to father their own genetic child through ICSI treatment in Hyderabad. At Kiran infertility centre, we started our own ICSI programmed in 1998-99 and until date, more than 10,000 cycles of IVF or IUI with ICSI procedure in Hyderabad have been undertaken with an approximate success rate of around 60% to 80% in each cycle, which is at par with the best success percentages in this treatment across the globe.


In ICSI, all the steps are similar to that in the IVF procedure, except the step of fertilization. Normally in IVF, extracted sperms, which are around, or more than 200,000 and allowed to fuse with one egg and among these, one of the sperm fertilizes the egg on its own. In contrast to this, while undertaking ICSI, each egg is held and injected with a single live sperm. This micro-fertilization is done with the help of a machine called the Micromanipulator. The procedure can be categorized into 11 steps as discussed below.


Thus, the procedure consists of:

ICSI treatment in India

·        Controlled ovarian stimulation with drugs like (GnRH) Analogues and Gonadotrophins to produce multiple follicles/ eggs

·        Monitoring of follicles and egg development with the aids like Vaginal Sonography and serial Estradiol hormone estimation through blood samples.

·        Administering of HCG injection, (Human Chorionic Gonadotrophins) when at-least two leading follicles, which are 18 mm in diameter

·        Egg retrieval under general anaesthesia, approximately after  36 hours after HCG injection

·        Identification and isolation of healthy eggs in the laboratory

·        Sperm collection and processing in the lab (In case of Azoospermia {no sperms in the semen} the sperms are collected directly from the testes with the procedures of PESA/MESA/TESE or TESA)

·        Stripping of the cumulus of the eggs in the laboratory with the help of an enzyme Placement of eggs into small droplets of culture media under oil

·        Placing sperms into small droplets of PVP under oil and then Immobilization of the sperm with a microinjection needle (Diameter of 7 microns) and aspiration of the immobile sperm into the needle after crushing the tail portion of the sperm)

·        Holding the egg with a holding pipette and injecting of immobilized sperm into the held egg

·        Placement of these eggs into the incubator for 2 to 5 days

·        Embryo formation 2 to 5 days after fertilization

·        Embryo transfer of good quality embryos back to the womb, on day-2 (four-cell embryo), day-3 (6 to 8 cell embryo) or day-5 or 6 (Blastocyst stage) days after egg removal.

Indications for ICSI


·        Males with severe sperm factors such as low sperm count (less than 5 million), very poor motility or a high degree of abnormal sperms require Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection treatment in Hyderabad.


·        In Azoospermia Condition, where there is no sperm present in the semen. Azoospermia may be of the obstructive type where there is a production of sperms in the testes but blockage of the transport system, which brings the sperm out into the semen. Alternately, in Azoospermia condition may be of the non-obstructive type, where there is a failure of the testes to produce sperms. In current scenario, in both these conditions, sperms can be isolated directly from the testis by Testicular Biopsy.



·        Retrieval Techniques of PESA/TESA/TESE and subsequently, ICSI can be performed on the following cases:


o   Males with Sperm Ejaculated Dysfunction due to Spinal injury or malfunction such as Quadriplegics or Paraplegics

o   Males with Anti sperm-antibodies

o   Patients with Retrograde Ejaculation (ejaculation of the sperm into the urinary bladder) who fail to become pregnant with IUI.

o   Patients where fertilization has failed with In-Vitro Fertilizatio

   Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection has revolusionised the way Fertility treatments were conducted in the past. ICSI treatment in Hyderabad is world class and offered at the Kiran infertility centre in Hyderabad/bangalore and Chennai wherein even the most difficult of male infertility cases can be treated succesfully

Thursday 20 August 2020

Day 3 or Blastocyst. when and how many to transfer?

How many embryos should be transferred during IVF?

Fertilization takes place outside the body during IVF. This usually results in creation of multiple embryos. The IVF specialist checks each embryo carefully and transfer only the healthy embryos back into the uterus.

While a single healthy Blastocyst embryo can result in pregnancy, at Kiran Infertility centre we recommend transferring two Blastocysts to increase the chances of pregnancy. However, we always check with our Intended Parents if they are open for a twin pregnancy, as transferring 2 Blastocyst embryos gives an overall pregnancy rate of about 80% and gives about a 30 to 40 % chance of a twin pregnancy.


To learn more about the process and treatments we offer, please visit:

Contact us: +91-9908392452


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Dr. Samit Sekhar.

Owner and Director. 


Master’s in Andrology and Men’s Health(Australia) 

Kiran  Group.

Fertility/Obstetrics/Gynaecology/Genetics/Skin& Aesthetics/Dentistry.


Mobile +91-994-817-5768   


The preferred destination for Fertility Treatments.  

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All you ever wanted to know about In Vitro Fertilisation

What is IVF?

In Vitro Fertilization is an ART Treatment is commonly referred to as IVF. IVF is the process of fertilization by extracting eggs, retrieving a sperm sample, and then manually combining an egg and sperm in a laboratory in an IVF clinic in Hyderabad. The resultant embryo(s) is then transferred to the uterus.


Other forms of ART include gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) and zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT).

The above 2 forms are not in vogue today and only IVF is followed as universal treatment


 Why IVF?


IVF is suggested to treat infertility in the following patients:


Patients with blocked or damaged fallopian tubes

Male factor infertility involving moderate to low sperm count or sperm motility

Females with ovulation disorders, premature ovarian failure, or with uterine fibroids

Females with fallopian tubes removed

For Individuals with a known genetic disorders

Unexplained infertility

IVF Cost in Hyderabad ( H2)

How to Begin an IVF Cycle?


A patient planning to undergo IVF should visit IVF clinic in Hyderabad on day 1 or 2 of her menses. A medical consultant will advise the patient on instructions as to when to schedule her next visit to the clinic along with the probable IVF Cost in Hyderabad for the first shots of IVF for an Antagonist cycle or visit on day 21 of menstrual cycle in case of a down regulated cycle.


IVF Medications

Spontaneously a cycling woman will ovulate only one egg each month. To increase the chance of obtaining a pregnancy, an effort is made to obtain as many eggs as possible. Fertility drugs achieve this goal.


For this purpose, each patient’s medication plan is individualized, but most IVF regimens include one or more of the following:


GnRH Agonist

GnRH Agonist is used to help create equally mature eggs. Statistics indicate that GnRH Agonist may be associated with higher success rates and lower IVF cycle cancellation rates.


HMG (Human Menopausal Gonadotropin), is administered by intramuscular injection


Recombinant FSH


Staff at KIC will advise the patient and her partner to reconstitute the different medications and administer the injections at Kiran Infertility Centre or at their places through help of physicians at their place, in case the patient is from out- of- station. Most of the patients and their partners have little trouble getting used to these shots.


Patient Monitoring


The growth and development of the eggs is closely monitored by repeated ultrasound studies and blood tests for hormone levels (Estradiol and Progesterone)Patients are usually advised to come to KIC for blood tests and sonograms to determine the maturity of their developing eggs beginning on cycle Day 3, 5, 7 or 9. Then further monitoring will be carried out as needed until the eggs are determined to be mature. Occasionally, some patients will need daily monitoring near the end of the ovarian stimulation phase of the cycle.


Blood Tests

Patients usually have to undergo two or three blood tests during the course of the monitoring process.


Estradiol (Estrogen) and Progesterone levels are monitored. Estradiol levels allow us to approximate the relative maturity of the eggs. Usually, the test displays between 100 and 200 units of estrogen for every matured egg.


Progesterone tells us if the eggs are becoming overripe, the patient’s progesterone level, which depends on the number of egg follicles created, should generally be below two units.



The maturity of the follicles developing in ovaries is monitored via vaginal ultrasound. During this painless procedure, a radiologist inserts a small probe in vagina. This enables visualizing the ovaries and the uterus, to evaluate the maturity of the Endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus), and to count and measure the follicles developing in each ovary. A mature follicle measures from 16 to 22 millimeters.


An Advance technology of Color Doppler study is used at KIC to monitor the blood in the follicle and Endometrium.


The Final Step to Egg Maturation


When blood tests and sonograms indicate that the eggs are mature (size of 18mm or more), the patient will be administered a final injection called HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) to complete the maturation process of the egg. The HCG shot must be taken at KIC on the specified date, and the retrieval is scheduled later after around 36 hours after the HCG injection.


(Example: if a patient’s Monday monitoring showed her follicles to be of the appropriate size and her estrogen levels were found to correlate with maturity, she would be instructed to take her HCG between 9:00 PM and 11:00 PM Monday evening. Her egg retrieval will then be performed on Wednesday morning at kiran infertility centre)

Dr. Samit Sekhar.

Owner and Director. 


Master’s in Andrology and Men’s Health(Australia) 

Kiran  Group.

Fertility/Obstetrics/Gynaecology/Genetics/Skin& Aesthetics/Dentistry.


Mobile +91-994-817-5768   


The preferred destination for Fertility Treatments.  

Featured In


Wednesday 19 August 2020

Top 5 reasons for choosing Kiran infertility centre as your IVF partner

Surrogacy in India.

Top 5 reasons for choosing KIC  as your IVF partner
 KIC is the best clinic when it comes to performing IVF treatment for couples looking to have a
child but still unable to conceive. Here are some of the factors as to why you should consider visiting KIC
Bengaluru for IVF treatment.

1) KIC  has access to the most advanced IVF technology that can be used to meet the fertility needs of couples looking to have a baby.
2) KIC  has got the best team of qualified and most experienced IVF physicians who can attend to the needs of each and every individual couple with thorough dedication.
3) The rate of success for IVF treatment is very high
4) Couples can always have fully customized and tailored IVF solutions when they choose to get in touch with KIC 
5) The doctors at KIC are always ready to provide answers to any queries with patience and compassion that couples may have when they are looking to get pregnant and conceive.

6) kiran infertility centre has branches at Hyderabad, Bangalore and Chennai and is constantly looking to expand to other cities where IVF and Fertility services are needed

To know more about KIC Bengaluru and the ways in which you can benefit from their doctors, you can visit for a better understanding of their fertility treatments.

#femaleinfertility #maleinfertility #infertility #infertilitytreatment #infertilityclinic #ivf #ivftreatment #ivfclinic #bestivfclinic #ttc #kicbengaluru

Thursday 13 August 2020

surrogacy in India

Surrogacy in India.

What is surrogacy ?

It is a method of assisted reproduction that helps intended parents to have children when they are unable to do so on their own. It is an arrangement, often supported by a legal agreement, whereby a woman agrees to become pregnant, carry the pregnancy to term, and give birth to a child or children, all of this for another person or persons, who are or will ultimately become the parent of the newborn child or children.

These treatment procedures can be considered by the infertile couples when the woman, for some reason cannot produce healthy eggs or a proper gestational environment for the pregnancy. Kiran Infertility Centre is one of the leading surrogacy agencies providing state of the art surrogacy treatments for patients from India and abroad.

Why Surrogacy ?

Surrogacy is when another woman carries a baby for a couple/ individual who are unable to conceive or carry a child themselves. This treatment is offered usually due to inability of Intended Mother/ Intended Parents to conceive or carry a child to term due to medical or other problems. Kiran Infertility Centre fulfills your dream of having a child through Surrogacy in India for the couples who are unable to carry the child in their own womb.

Surrogacy Is Helpful In The Following Conditions
  • Recurrent miscarriages in spite of all possible treatments
  • Repeated failures after IVF treatment
  • Premature menopause often as a result of cancer treatment
  • A hysterectomy, or a congenital absence of the uterus due to Mayer- Rokitansky- Kuster -Hauser syndrome (RKHS)
  • Inability to conceive in case of Single Parents
  • Possibility of a Health condition such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiac or renal disease which makes pregnancy and birth dangerous.