Tuesday 22 September 2015

Medical Tourism Surrogacy

Medical Tourism Surrogacy

Surrogacy is a legal and successful alternative for the couples who are not able to create a family their own. A great surrogacy experience depends on trust, understanding, good communication and respect for all the couples that can be involved. It can be fulfilling experience for Surrogate Mothers and is frequently the only option for an infertile couple to have their own naturally related child. At KIC, we believe every couple has right to become parent via third party reproduction irrespective of their ethnic origin, age, religion, marital status, gender or sexual orientation.

For whom Surrogacy is Beneficial

IVF Surrogacy
  1. Mostly, IVF surrogacy is useful in women whose ovaries are generating eggs but they do not have uterus. For e.g., in the following cases:
    • Surgical removal of the uterus due to cancer, severe hemorrhage in Caesarian section or ruptured uterus.
    • Congenital absence of uterus
  2. A woman whose uterus is deformed or damaged uterus or at high risk of split and is not able to carry pregnancy then she will be recommended for IVF surrogacy.
  3. Women who have repetitive failed IVF cycles may be advised for IVF surrogacy in view of unexplained factors
  4. Women with Auto Immune disorders or medical/Surgical conditions which will complicate pregnancy

Is Surrogacy for you?

For some couples choosing surrogacy is a straight forward assessment, while for others there will be lot of points to be considered and supposed about before taking the decision. Infertility professional or a relevant doctor will help the couple seeing things in the right perspective.
For more information please contact us through,
Phone no: 9948175768