Friday, 6 September 2013

Allow Surrogacy for all without Discriminating.

The women and child development (WCD) ministry of India has proposed to the health ministry to allow surrogacy to everyone, including unmarried couples and those in live-in relationships etc. In its comments sent to the health ministry on the proposed Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) bill, 2013, the WCD has opined that surrogacy should be allowed to everyone, irrespective of marriage.
Calling the definition of “couple” (as stated by health ministry) narrow, the WCD has suggested that the definition of “couple should include everyone who wants to avail ARTs and surrogacy, irrespective of marriage.”
hopefully this reccomendation will turn things around for the Indian medical Tourism scenario which right now is going through a very lean phase much like other major sectors of the economy.
Dr.Samit Sekhar
ivf and Surrogacy program Director.