Wednesday 19 October 2022

Fibroids causing infertility

Fibroids causing infertility

Many different factors may contribute to male and female infertility. Several variables, especially those affecting women, have a significant impact on whether or not they will conceive and have a kid who is healthy and full-term at birth. Fibroids, benign growths of the uterus, are a common cause of female infertility. It is possible for uterine fibroids to obstruct the fallopian tubes or prevent implantation of a fertilized egg, both of which may lead to infertility. Fibroids may also restrict uterine space, which can hinder fetal development. When the uterine wall is impeded by fibroids, the placenta is more likely to separate from it, causing a condition called placental abruption. Because of this, the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the developing baby is cut short. Therefore, there is a much higher risk of having a premature baby or miscarrying. When women with infertility issues due to uterine fibroids get the treatment they need in a timely manner, their chances of becoming pregnant improve dramatically

At Kiran Infertility Center, we provide cutting-edge treatment for fibroid tumors.

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