Wednesday 30 November 2022

What are the basic In vitro fertilization steps for successful pregnancy?

What are the basic In vitro fertilization steps for successful pregnancy?

The Kiran Infertility Centre team perform the following steps to ensure that couple/parents have a successful pregnancy such as-


Controlled Ovarian stimulation

Ovarian stimulation is a treatment method for producing multiple follicle.


Egg extraction

Egg extraction involves the removal of the eggs while the patient is sedated and is done under ultrasound guidance.



Sperm and egg preparation

Collected sperm and oocytes are  washed in the lab.


• Fertilization

Fertilization in the laboratory involves the mixing of sperm and eggs through IVF or ICSI.


• Embryo culture

Embryos are developed to the blastocyst stage.


• Embryo transfer

Finally, the embryo formed is transferred to the uterus for achieving pregnancy.


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