Saturday 29 February 2020

All you need to know about Endometriosis!!

Endometriosis: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Endometriosis is a condition that many women face. It is associated with pain during menses because the endometrium or tissue that usually develops inside the uterus is found outside the organ. This tissue may encompass the ovaries, fallopian tubes and occasionally replace the pelvic tissue. However, it is rare to see the tissue spread further beyond the pelvic area. This tissue is identical to the tissue within the uterus with its actions mimicking that of the endometrium. This makes the tissue thicken and break down exactly as in menstruation. However, the blood cannot be expelled out of the body and remains trapped within resulting in scar tissues and adhesions. Patients of endometriosis may also have endometriomas or ovarian cysts.
Endometriosis is a painful condition of varying intensity and the patient being unable to bear the acute pain during menstrual periods. Moreover, it may also result in infertility. However, most of the patients can be treated effectively with infertility experts treating the condition in entirety.

Symptoms of Endometriosis
Pain is the most important symptom associated with this condition. Doctors often ask their patients to describe it during examination and diagnose it an excruciating pain with cramping. Some 
of the symptoms of the condition include the following:-

1.Dysmenorrhea- This can be defined as painful menstrual period with pain in the pelvis and cramping being noted well before and after the menstrual period as well as during it. Patients also complain of abdominal and lower back pain.
2.Pain during Sex- Painful intercourse is one of the most common symptoms with patients recounting pain both during and after the sexual act.
3.Painful Urination& Defecation- The patients also experience pain while passing their bowels and during urination. However, these symptoms persist only during menstruation
4.Bleeding- The bleeding happens to be excessive when the concerned woman suffers from endometriosis. Sometimes, the patient may also bleed in between two menstrual periods
5.Infertility- Females who seek treatment for infertility may be diagnosed with endometriosis too
6.Other Symptoms- The extreme blood loss during menstruation is likely to result in fatigue, depression, constipation & diarrhea as well as nausea and a feeling of bloating

Causes of Endometriosis
The actual reason of this condition is not known but research studies mention the following as possible reasons for endometriosis. 
1.Problematic Menstrual Blood Flow- This condition is known as retrograde menstruation where the blood flows through the fallopian tube to reach other part of the pelvic area.
2.Genetic Factors- Endometriosis is known to run in the family with close relatives being diagnosed with it too. Researchers have therefore concluded that the disease could be inherited via the genes.
3.Faulty Immune System- A compromised or defective immune system is often unable to identify the endometrial tissues growing outside the uterus. It has been observed that women with endometriosis also have an associated history of immune system disorder and certain types of cancers.
4.Hormonal Imbalance- Women with hormonal problems especially an excessive amount of estrogen is known to develop endometriosis.
5.Surgery- Women who undergo abdominal surgery may have the endometrial tissue left inside the abdominal cavity by mistake. This is sure to cause endometriosis eventually.

Treatment of Endometriosis
The treatment for this condition may include medication or surgery. The option is left to the concerned doctor who decides based on the condition of the patient. Some of the most common treatment procedures include:-
1.Pain Management- This is the initial treatment offered. The patient is prescribed with pain relief medicines that may be bought over the counter. The gynecologist may also prescribe medicines for reducing cramping. Often the pain relief drugs are used in combination with hormone therapy.
2.Hormone Therapy- Apart from supplemental hormones, the doctors may resort to any of the following depending on the severity of the condition.
3.Hormonal Contraceptives- Birth control pills and vaginal ring help in reducing the menstrual flow substantially and control the pain
4.Gonadotropin-releasing hormone- These hormones help to reduce the effect of ovary stimulation and control estrogen production to a great extent.
5.Progestin Therapy- This process includes inserting an intrauterine device along with oral drugs. It results in ceasing the menstrual periods with the endometrial implants being capable of relieving the pain as well as the symptoms.
6.Fertility Treatment- Many of the patients are advised fertility treatments that may include stimulation of ovaries or IVF. However, the type of treatment depends on the condition of the patients with the fertility experts taking the call.
7.Surgery- Removal of endometrial implants can help the patient to get pregnant with the uterus and ovaries remaining intact. Some doctors opt for laparoscopy or the traditional abdominal surgery to remove the endometrial tissue outside the uterus.

Prevention Of Endometriosis
There is no way to prevent endometriosis totally. However, the patients can manage their health and lower the risk to a great extent by trying the following:-
·        Taking hormonal supplements to decrease the levels of estrogen
·        Aerobic exercise
·        Reducing alcohol intake
·        Forgo caffeine
Visit KIC, Bengaluru if you have been diagnosed with endometriosis or want to start a family in spite of fertility issues. Seek an appointment immediately to get the best treatment possible. Contact us at  ------- NOW!