Monday 24 February 2020

Questions that an infertility doctor asks you

Questions that an infertility doctor asks you

Questions that an infertility doctor asks you

You need to visit a fertility expert ASAP once you have been unable to conceive for more than a year of trying. However, such a step needs to be taken earlier if you have already crossed 35. Do not be scared about the outcome though for there are multiple ways to combat infertility today.

The doctor at KIC, Hyderabad will examine both of you and ask you some of the following questions:-

1) The chronic illnesses that any of you may have
2) Complete medical history and reports
3) Your lifestyle and whether you are a heavy coffee drinker or smoker
4) The amount of alcohol you drink will also need to be shared with the doctor
4) Your sex life including the frequency of problems faced
5) Instances of sexually transmitted disease that you may have suffered from
6) Your menstrual history and earlier pregnancies, if any
7) The types of birth control used before

To know more about infertility and it's treatment options visit:
or  Contact us: +91-9908392452