Saturday 29 August 2020

Blastocyst Embryo transfer.

Surrogacy in India.

Why is a Blastocyst Transfer is Preferred in IVF Cycles.

There can be abnormalities in cleavage stage embryos  which mean that such embryos may not  lead to a pregnancy. Increased age of mothers also enhances the chances of chromosomal issues. This means that a lot of abnormal embryos experience a halt in their growth during development.

A blastocyst carries much greater chances of leading to a successful pregnancy once it has been transferred to the patient as it is the end stage of the embryo just before hatching and implanting in the uterus.Statistics reveal that implantation rates for human blastocysts in about 5 th or 6 th day are twice that of standard cleavage stage embryos. Moreover, blastocysts are that phase of embryonic development which is supposed to be inside the uterus during implantation.

These blastocysts have a better chance of survival inside the uterus. This is why blastocyst transfer is always preferred in IVF Cycles.To learn more about blastocyst transfer, you can always consult with the doctors at Kiran infertility centre and its branches in Hyderabad, bangalore, Chennai,Dubai and ukraine.

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