What is ovarian reserve testing? Why it's done?
Every woman has a limited number of eggs in her body that mature during a menstrual cycle and becomes ready to be fertilized by a sperm. Checking the level of AMH, or Anti Mullerian Hormone will help the fertility expert to know about the quantity of eggs left as a reserve in your body.
This is an essential part of fertility treatment with specialist doctors being able to diagnose the cause of infertility
vis-à-vis egg or ovarian reserve in order to decide on the next form of treatment.
Ovarian reserve testing tells the concerned doctor about the following aspects of their patient’s fertility
1) Amount of eggs left in the follicle
2) Dosage of FSH or HMG Hormone needed for ovarian stimulation
3) Quality of eggs
4) Indicates approaching menopause
6) Possibility of freezing eggs
7) Success rate of IVF
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- From 'Telegraph India', No Sex
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