Tuesday 9 November 2021

What is ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome (OHSS)?

Ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome is a excessive response to the medicines (particularly injectable gonadotropins) that are utilized to make the eggs grow. Women who are diagnosed with OHSS usually have a large number of growing follicles in their ovaries in conjunction with high estradiol levels. It leads to the fluid collecting into the abdomen and causing bloating, nausea, and discomfort

The team of doctors at Kiran Infertility center is highly experienced and dedicated to carefully inspect and monitor the women and keep a strong eye on the symptoms if they occur. Ultrasound exams for the measurement of ovaries and fluid in the abdomen and blood checkups are regularly done. One is advised to lower their daily activities and drink lots of electrolyte-rich fluids (over 120 ounces per day) to reduce severity of OHSS


For more Details Visit: https://kiranivfgenetic.com/ivf-clinic-in-hyderabad/


or mail us info@kiranivfgenetic.com


Contact us: +91-9908392452


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