Monday 12 September 2022

What is the importance of Transvaginal ultrasound or TVS?

What is the importance of Transvaginal ultrasound or TVS?

One of the first tests that doctors at Kiran Infertility Centre or KIC advises for a female patient visiting the clinic is transvaginal ultrasound. The results of transvaginal ultrasound will help the fertility consultant in determining if the woman requires further testing and, in some situations, reveal the fertility therapies that would be most beneficial for her specific situation.

 A transvaginal ultrasound is used to determine the shape and size of a woman's uterus, as well as her uterine lining and whether she has uterine anomalies such as fibroids or polyps. This also helps in determine the fertile window. The fertility specialist or gynecologist at KIC will also use this ultrasound to assess the condition of the woman's ovaries and evaluate the oocyte count.


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