Tuesday 27 May 2014

Norway’s National Association for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender persons allows for non trial surrogacy.

The surrogacy subject arose during Sunday’s national congress. LLH believe it should be an equal option with other forms of assisted reproduction.
“For many of our members, this is the way they can create a family with their own biological ties,” Bard Nylund, head of LLH said to Vårt Land.
Norwegians currently travel abroad so they can start their own family, as surrogacy is illegal in Norway.
It is estimated that 150 Norwegian children were born by surrogacy in countries such as India or the United States.
Legal rights will only be generally granted to parents under Norwegian law if one of the parents are residents of Norway when a child is born outside the geographic boundaries of the country in these cases.
Another issue is that adoption may be required to obtain legal rights as parents in cases where parenthood cannot be granted under the Norwegian law.
At the same time, homosexuals are losing out when it comes to adopting children.
“There are many countries that will not adopt to same-sex couples, which consequently means this is only a possibility on paper,” Mr Nylund explained.