Wednesday 24 June 2020

Endometriosis and Infertility

Surrogacy in India.

How to overcome infertility caused by endometriosis?

Infertility is a common occurrence when you have been diagnosed with endometriosis. This is a condition where the endometrial or uterine tissue grows in other parts of the body. It is common to find the same tissue invading the ovaries, fallopian tubes and the pelvic area. It may also be found inside the abdomen rarely. 

The tissue undergoes similar changes occurring during menstruation with internal bleeding being a special characteristic of patients diagnosed with endometriosis. It may be painful as well.

The fertility doctor would make sure to rule out this condition when you visit her after being unable to conceive naturally for one year. However, a few women may be able to get pregnant naturally even with endometriosis although the instances are rare. 

Doctors at KIC, Bengaluru will examine you carefully to note the adhesions causing blockage thus hampering fertilization. The fallopian tube may also be damaged due to endometriosis while your egg quality may decline as well. 

Check out to learn more about how health conditions including endometriosis and prevent you from getting pregnant. No worries!
You can still conceive by trying out any of the following procedures.

1) IVF
2) IUI
3) Other ART procedures such as Surrogacy.

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