Wednesday 21 October 2020

Ageing and Male Infertility


Does Ageing affect male fertility?

Age does play a huge role in ensuring fertility. While it is more important for females, the age of the male partner matters too. Medical research has established the following facts that indicate how age influences the success of parenthood. Age related factors that affect male fertility include:-

1) Quality of sperm declines after 35 years of age with lowest quality being detected in males over
55. This is usually because of decreasing testosterone levels in men
2) Sperm motility reduces steadily as the male partner ages too.
3) there is increased risk of miscarriage in pregnancy confirmed when male partner is more than 45 years of age
4) The chances of IVF success depends on the age of both the partners. Male infertility may be overcome by ICSI -Intra cytoplasmic sperm Injectionwhen the Male is over 45
to learn more about ICSI
click on the link below

