Monday 28 June 2021

What becomes what in an embryo?

Patients undergoing IVF treatments often gets curious about how these blastocysts develops into their magical babies. What part of blastocyst is what of their babies? Lets find out

 According to the embryologists of Kiran Infertility Centre – Hyderabad blastocysts have a ring of cells around them, with a small cluster of cells inside. The trophectoderm, or outer ring, develops into the placenta, which shields and nourishes the developing fetus in the mother’s womb. The inner cell mass (ICM) is the ‘clump' of cells inside, and it is these cells that will develop into a baby. 

It really takes lot of love and lot of science in making these precious babies. Those who are ready to start or expand their family but haven't been able to get pregnant can contact us to help you in your journey to parenthood.

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