Monday 28 June 2021

When is the best time for pregnancy after miscarriage?

Miscarriage is the most common type of pregnancy loss and often occurs because the fetus isn't developing normally. While the cause of many miscarriages are unknown, chromosomal abnormalities often takes the blame. Miscarriages are not only physically but emotionally traumatic for the patients.

And when to try again is the big question. To avoid infection, intercourse is typically avoided for two weeks after a miscarriage. But you should not try in very first cycle after miscarriage. It is important to get guidance from doctors at Kiran Infertility Centre - Hyderabad for advice once the spouse/woman is emotionally and physically ready for pregnancy after the loss.

There may be no need to wait for more than 3 months after one miscarriage. However in case of recurrent miscarriages, the doctors may advice special tests to identify underlying causes for miscarriage and to lower its chances in next pregnancy. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis, or PGD testing, can be a helpful for women who have experienced more than one miscarriage. It can also be used to detect single-gene diseases for embryos outside of the womb!


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