Monday 12 July 2021

What are the best ways to increase sperm count in men?

According to the doctors of Kiran Infertility Centre – Hyderabad the best ways to increase the sperm count in men thereby enhancing their fertility include-

·        Exercises and sound sleep

Studies suggest that doing exercises such as aerobics/yoga regularly is known to increase sperm count and motility. In addition, having a sound sleep for 7-8 hours also helps in reversing the low sperm count. 


·        Quit smoking

Smoking consistently is one of the factors in reducing sperm count. Therefore, it is necessary to quit smoking to enhance the sperm motility and sperm count in men.

·        Avoid alcohol and drug use

Men should avoid alcohol intake and drug use as number of studies has explored the link between sperm health and drugs and the role of alcohol and drugs in decreased sperm count.

·        Other ways to increase sperm count

The other ways to increase sperm count and sperm motility include reducing unhealthy fat intake, limiting exposure environmental occupational contaminants, taking food that is rich in zinc, vitamin C, antioxidants and polyunsaturated fats.

In case of mild male infertility IUI can be effective and in severe case ICSI with IVF is recommended.

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