Tuesday 6 July 2021

What is asthenozoospermia and type of infertility treatment that is recommended for cases of Asthenospermia.

The chances of a sperm reaching and fertilizing the egg following intercourse may be reduced if the number of actively swimming sperm in the ejaculate is very low, or if the way the sperm swim is abnormal. This medical condition is known as Asthenozoospermia.

When the motile sperm count is low due to Asthenozoospermia then IUI or IVF can be recommended as per the doctors of Kiran Infertility Centre – Hyderabad as motile sperm may be retrieved from the ejaculate and concentrated in the lab. In case the progressive motility is severely impeded, the odds of fertilization by IVF may be slim hence ICSI may be recommended.


For more Details Visit: https://kiranivfgenetic.com/icsi-treatment-in-hyderabad/



or mail us info@kiranivfgenetic.com


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