Thursday 19 November 2020

Is infertility a Treatable medical condition?

 Infertility or failure to get pregnant normally often comes with a social stigma especially in India. However, it is not a disease per se and can be corrected by following the advice of a skilled and efficient fertility doctor. Statistics reveal that both male and female partners can be responsible for failing to become parents in spite of trying.

Sometimes both of them may be diagnosed with problems or there may be no cause found to explain infertility- the latter is known as unexplained Infertility 

 Whatever, be the cause it can be treated by the best fertility clinics in India with Kiran Infertility Center and its branches in Hyderabad, Bengaluru  and Chennai being preferred by an overwhelming majority of patients. Some of the treatments that have proved to be beneficial for infertility include:-


1) Stimulation of ovary to cause ovulation

2) Intrauterine insemination (IUI)


4) IVF or test tube baby

5) Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI ) for males with low sperm count

6) Repair of Varicocele (for males)- medically or surgically

7) Lifestyle changes for the couple

8) Surrogacy (When the female partner is unable to carry the fetus to full term)

9)oocyte donation

10) embryo donation



#infertility #uterus #surrogacy #IVF #varicocele #infertilityawareness #kicbengaluru



Dr. Samit Sekhar.

Owner and Director. 


Master’s in Andrology and Men’s Health(Australia) 

Kiran  Group.

Fertility/Obstetrics/Gynaecology/Genetics/Skin& Aesthetics/Dentistry.


Mobile +91-994-817-5768   



The preferred destination for Fertility Treatments.  

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