Wednesday 18 November 2020

What is uterine factor infertility?

What is uterine factor infertility?


Women with no uterus are unable to get pregnant. This is known as uterine factor infertility that specifies the cause. The reason may be both congenital or being born without the main reproductive organ or acquired when the uterus is removed surgically as a part of treatment. 


However there are also cases where the uterus is smaller than normal size or a malformed uterus such a bicornuate uterus



Some women may have had a hysterectomy because of the following reasons

1) Continuous Hemorrhage after C-Section

2) Uterine Cancer

3) Severe endometriosis, fibroids, or adenomyosis

In such cases Surrogacy is the best treatment option, wherein the Embryos created from the male and female partner are transferred to the Surrogate mother or Gestational carrier

For more details click on the link below Samit Sekhar.

Owner and Director. 


Master’s in Andrology and Men’s Health(Australia) 

Kiran  Group.

Fertility/Obstetrics/Gynaecology/Genetics/Skin& Aesthetics/Dentistry.


Mobile +91-994-817-5768   



The preferred destination for Fertility Treatments.  

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