Thursday 5 November 2020

Pre Implantation genetic Screening

A genetic study of the embryo developed during an IVF treatment cycle is called PGS or pre implantation genetic Screening,  the sole purpose of which is to help you have a normal and healthy baby.

The PGS test:


-Should be carried out on an embryo before it is used for embryo transfer


-Ensures the establishment of an embryo that is free from aneuploidies and hence safe to be transferred to the mother.


-Further boosts the pregnancy rates.


Which couples should consider a PGS test?


 infertility specialists at Kiran Infertility centre advise this test in the following cases;


-When there is a maternal history of recurrent miscarriages; women with two or more miscarriages fall in this category.


– When the maternal age is either 35 years or above.


-When the couple has had IVF failures in the past, to or more failures are considered significant.


-When the male factor plays a major role in infertility; which includes low sperm quantity as well as quality.


For more information on PGS treatments visit our site:


Dr. Samit Sekhar.

Owner and Director. 


Master’s in Andrology and Men’s Health(Australia) 

Kiran  Group.

Fertility/Obstetrics/Gynaecology/Genetics/Skin& Aesthetics/Dentistry.


Mobile +91-994-817-5768   



The preferred destination for Fertility Treatments.  

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